Sunday, January 4, 2009

2008 Wrap Up

I haven't been on in awhile, the last month has been crazy! Jonathan is home and we are in Houston with the fam on leave. I just thought I would post an update and little blurb while they are watching The Two Towers, once again!

Jonathan came home a little over a month ago and things have been great since. He is a wonderful father and an amazing husband. He has adjusted so much quicker than I could have imagined, in fact I am the one having the most issues dealing! Isabella loves her daddy and watching the two of them together is always a wonder.

Isabella is still growing like a weed! She is still talking up a storm, using short sentences and still some of her random Chinese. She sings her very own version of abc's with Kristi and I hope to get that on tape within the next few days. Isabella is very much a strong willed child that loves to test anyone and anything she can, but she never fails to amaze us all.

I cannot believe we are already in 2009! It seems like this year flew by as it dragged on, if that makes sense! I must say it has been my most productive year, though. I have learned more about myself and life than I could have imagined. It is interesting because I thought the same last year, but in fact looking back I really hadn't. This year I learned how to embrace myself for who I am. I have worked very hard on becoming who I am meant to be and being happy with the result. I can truly say I am happy now. I am more in love with life than I have ever been and I am enjoying still learning how to better myself daily.

This year was full of struggles as I watched my husband leave again, as I lost friends and let go of some of my past. I cannot say that it has been easy, but I would not trade it in for anything. I had to learn to be on my own and it was hard, but I feel so much stronger for it. I had to realize that there are things that we have to let go as we grow and age. Change comes upon us each and we all have to learn how to adjust and learn from it. I am truly looking forward to this new year, to see where it will take not just my family, but me personally as well.
I love you all and hope you will have a wonderful year!

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